
v1.3.2 (current)
Released: 29 April 2014

  • Dropping dependency on MoreLinq library

Released: 14 April 2014

  • Enh: Adding ability to create Bootstrap alerts on the fly
  • Enh: Adding ability to create and save Bootstrap alerts and then render all of them together
  • Enh: Minor update to the Datatable partial views

Released: 16 December 2013

  • Enh: Adding support for Bootstrap 3.x
  • Enh: Adding support for Gumby 2.5.x
  • Enh: Added support for FontAwesome 4.x
  • Enh: Adding a new string extension Remove() to remove occurences of given string
  • Enh: Adding a ToDictionary() for name value collections
  • Enh: The string value of an Enum value can now be evaluated using a custom decider class rather than always specifying a static magic string value. See docs for more details on how
  • Enh: The dataTable sort extension is now a little more intelligent and robust
  • Enh: Adding ability to parse HTML content into WebExtras' HtmlElement (Experimental)
  • Enh: Adding support for two more HTML tags viz., LABEL and B
  • Enh: A new utility method added to the Hyperlink to facilitate conversion to Label
  • Enh: General under the hood code enhancements and a lot more testing done
  • Fix: Hyperlink extensions now handle MVC Areas
  • Fix: Updating jQuery dataTables oLanguage property support to now include all options
  • Fix: Marking JsFunc as serializable otherwise when using the ASP.NET State Server, the object does not get serialized
  • Brk: The AddWhiteIcon() extension is no longer available when using Font Awesome provided icons. Since these icons are font based the coloring can be controlled by CSS classes
  • Brk: An overhaul to the element creation logic and the IExtendedHtmlString interface. We no longer expose the TagBuilder directly. Instead we provide properties the user can interact with. This is to deter users from directly making use of the underlying TagBuilder object which can lead to erroneous/inconsistent HTML being generated

Released: 28 May 2013

  • Enh: Adds a comprehensive list of jQuery DataTable 1.9.4 options and features
  • Enh: Adds a comprehensive list of jQuery Flot 0.8 options and features
  • Enh: Adding support for Bootstrap icons via Font Awesome library
  • Enh: Adding Bootstrap tooltip extension
  • Enh: Adding a ToJson extension method on Object to convert any object to it's JSON notation
  • Enh: Adding Double and DateTime methods to convert to/from JavaScript time ticks
  • Enh: Adding a new MVC ActionResult called JsonNetResult which basically uses the Newtonsoft Json.NET library for JSON serialization as opposed to the native serialization used by JsonResult
  • Enh: The date time picker extensions now use the date picker provided at
  • Enh: Adding ability to create large and mini styled Bootstrap buttons using the AsButton extension method
  • Enh: Use CSS class .text to fix display styling of text only fields under a horizontal form with .control-group classes
  • Enh: We now ship an ASCX view for Datatable as well. It is called DatatablePartial.ascx and is located in the views directory of the archive
  • Fix: IsValidFor extension method now allows nested member expressions
  • Fix: The DatatableSettings constructors will now better handle null sorting options instead of throwing exception !!
  • Fix: Object deep cloning is now an extension method on the Object class instead of having to invoke it as a static method
  • Fix: All user facing properties are now either Arrays or Lists instead of IEnumerables which mean that individual items can be readily accessed via their indices
  • Brk: The WebExtras.JQDataTables.DatatableColumn class is now obsolete. You should use WebExtras.JQDataTable.AOColumn class instead. This may break some existing functionality or introduce some inconsistencies in the table displays. Refer the documentation for more information on the correct way to setup your tables.
  • Brk: All enumerations have now been prefixed with an 'E' and the 'Type' suffix has been dropped. You can just perform a  search-replace and you should be fine.

  • Old name New name
    WebExtras.JQDataTables.SortType WebExtras.JQDataTables.ESort
    WebExtras.JQDataTables.PaginationType WebExtras.JQDataTables.EPagination
    WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.BootstrapButtonType WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.EBootstrapButton
    WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.BootstrapProgressBarType WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.EBootstrapProgressBar
    WebExtras.Mvc.Html.ButtonOfType WebExtras.Mvc.Html.EButton
    WebExtras.Mvc.Html.ListType WebExtras.Mvc.Html.EList
    WebExtras.Mvc.Html.HtmlTag WebExtras.Mvc.Html.EHtmlTag
    WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.BootstrapNavbarType WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.EBootstrapNavbar
    WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.BootstrapIcon WebExtras.Mvc.Bootstrap.EBootstrapIcon

Released: 30 March 2013

  • Enh: Adds a comprehensive list of Bootstrap icons
  • Enh: 2 new Bootstrap extensions added to render navigation bars and progress bars
  • Enh: 1 new generic extension added to perform general purpose object cloning
  • Fix: Fixes a bug in the rendering logic of Hyperlinks

v1.0.0 beta
Released: 17 March 2013

  • First public release